There are many reasons why you should study abroad, so it is great that you are considering such an incredible opportunity! Studying abroad will not only help you learn and grow as a person, but it will also improve your career opportunities and enhance skills that employers in all fields value.

First, check out the different programs available through USF. There are many different options, so don’t let all the decisions overwhelm you. We recommend a short-term USF faculty-led program, as well as a summer consortium program to provide a first-rate experience.

Contact the Provost’s Office for more information on study abroad opportunities. USF short-term programs are exceptional in quality. USF is a member of the Illinois Consortium for International Studies and Programs (ICISP). Afterwards, leverage your experience by contacting the Career Success Center to learn more about how to highlight your study abroad experience in job interviews and on your resume.

Information About Programs

Study Abroad Application

Once you’ve determined the type of program you are interested in, you should consult with your academic advisor. The Provost’s Office can also help answer questions. Students will need to complete all the required application materials for the specific program and email them to

Once You’ve Returned

Once you’ve returned from your study abroad adventure, we ask that you help the International Programs Office promote study abroad to the University of St. Francis students by attending study abroad fairs and speaking to classes! There is no better way to get future study abroad-ers excited about going abroad than hearing about what an amazing time YOU had! You will be contacted by the International Programs Office upon your return home requesting your attendance/assistance at upcoming study abroad events.

Additional Resources